We are live!

Pickyourplants is now live on the App Store! Download it and send your feedback.

Sure, you could call your mom for advice and hear about what the cat did yesterday.

Go to a garden centre.  Fit all of those tiny plant tags together like a jigsaw. 

You could comb the internet for hours.  Try and figure out what that plant looks like in spring and fall.

Or you could download a new smartphone application.  See what’s available in your growing conditions, pick a style or create one yourself, and find a list of plants at your local garden centre.

Fast and simple.

What people are saying about Pickyourplants:

“You are my hero! This is something that I always looked for and never found!
You have a user right here!”

– Maira Izzo

Nifty idea Rachel!
We killed half our plants last year due to poor selection.

– Sean Van den Berg

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